Frequently Asked Questions and Answers from Termly’s Legal Experts

How do you create a cookie policy?

You create a cookie policy in one of the following ways:

  • Write a cookie policy from scratch.
  • Use a cookie policy template.
  • Hire a lawyer to draft a cookie policy.
  • Use a cookie policy generator.

When creating a cookie policy, you first need to audit your site to determine which cookies you use, what purpose they serve, and who provides each cookie.

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Save time on writing by using a cookie policy template.

A cookie policy template can help you create your policy by providing the general structure and common clauses of a cookie policy.

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Trusted by thousands of companies worldwide, Termly’s intuitive software generates legal policies and handles consent management for any business in minutes.

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Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly

Termly allows our users to focus more on their business instead of spending countless hours figuring out data privacy compliance. - Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly