EU Work Programme 2023 highlights DPA cooperation and improved data use
On October 18, 2022, the European Commission publicized its Work Programme 2023, emphasizing the planned initiatives focusing on digital enforcement and improved data use. The commission is set to introduce amendments to consumer protection cooperation rules and strengthen a consensus way of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement. Part of the proposal will include a common European mobility data space and improvements in financial data access by way of an open finance framework.
Source: European Commission, IAPP
Privacy professionals elated but observant of the EU-US data privacy framework
Privacy professionals are watchful but hopeful for the EU-US data privacy framework; the possible hurdles in court are still a concern. President Biden signed the executive order that expanded the data privacy rights of Europeans and the means to challenge US government surveillance of their data in a special court. The issue arose of whether tech giants such as Google and Meta can store data about Europeans in the US and whether EU companies can use tech providers based in the US. EU and US officials expect a new EU-US data agreement by 2023.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, IAPP
Twitter seeks dismissal of a class-action complaint for ad-targeting
Twitter has requested a federal judge in the US District Court in the Northern District to dismiss a class-action complaint that accused the tech giant of collecting users’ contact data for security purposes but then using it for targeted advertising. The class-action complaint follows the US Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) $150 million fine against Twitter for misleading users by collecting their phone numbers and email addresses for security but then using the data for ad targeting. Twitter argued that its use of data was consistent with its privacy policy and that the company did not sell or disclose the users’ data to advertisers.
Targetted ads for Uber riders using travel history and destination
The new mobility media division launched by Uber will help marketers target riders with advertisements using their recent travel history and their precise geographic destination. An example would be users who will book an Uber to a distinct retailer, cinema, or airport; an advertiser could purchase ads intended for that location. It can also allow single brands to sponsor the entire trip of a rider through Journey ads. Uber will sell this type on a single-trip basis and show different ads at three points: while the user waits for the car, during the ride, and upon reaching the destination. The new feature will use aggregated data that will be shared with advertisers, not the user’s personal data; according to an Uber spokesperson, users can opt-out with ad targeting anytime.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, IAPP