Frequently Asked Questions and Answers from Termly’s Legal Experts

What are the 7 principles of the GDPR?

The 7 principles of the GDPR are:

  1. Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: Organizations should be clear and transparent about how personal data will be used. Data must be collected lawfully and only used for its stated purpose.
  2. Purpose limitation: Organizations must have legitimate reasons for collecting and processing personal information. Personal data can only be used for stated purposes and any other uses require user consent.
  3. Data minimization: Data minimization means only the minimum amount of data required for the processing purpose should be collected.
  4. Accuracy: Steps should be taken to ensure the personal data collected is accurate and up to date. Inaccurate data that cannot be corrected, should be erased.
  5. Storage limitation: Personal data should only be kept long enough for the data to be processed for its stated purpose.
  6. Integrity and confidentiality: Organizations should have security measures in place to protect the collected personal data from unlawful use, accidental loss, and destruction.
  7. Accountability: Organizations are accountable for proper personal data handling and GDPR compliance.

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There’s more to GDPR compliance than these 7 core principles.

A deeper understanding of what the GDPR is will help you determine the steps needed for GDPR compliance.

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