Frequently Asked Questions and Answers from Termly’s Legal Experts

Does a disclaimer protect you?

A disclaimer protects you against FTC penalties. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires you to post affiliate disclaimers if you receive compensation for linking to other companies’ products. Having these disclaimers on all pages where affiliate or sponsored links appear can protect you from violating FTC guidelines.

Furthermore, disclaimers can help you in court if legal action is brought against your site. For example, if you warn users to act on your content at their own risk in a prominent disclaimer, this could help you win a potential lawsuit filed against your site.

Related Questions

Post a disclaimer page as well as with individual disclaimers.

Fill in a disclaimer template with all possible disclaimers your site needs, then link to that page on your site, so all your disclaimers can be found in a single policy.

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Termly allows our users to focus more on their business instead of spending countless hours figuring out data privacy compliance. - Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly