Free Cookie Policy Generator

Free Cookie Policy Generator

Create a customized cookie policy for your website in just a few steps with our cookie policy generator. Comply with data privacy laws while building trust with your website visitors by publishing a cookie policy for FREE!

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How To Use the Cookie Policy Generator

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Scan your site using our website scanner.

Easy to Customize

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Cookie Policy Generator

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Privacy Policy Generator


Generate Cookie Policy

Enter Your Website URL

In order to help you create a cookie policy that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Cookie Policy Generator Features

Our free cookie policy generator provides you with a comprehensive and legally compliant cookie policy, but our tool also offers additional features:

“The easiest place to generate terms and conditions and a privacy policy to get moving and out to market.”

Cookie Features
Privacy Policy

Your website may be using cookies that you don’t even know about. We help you discover, categorize, and block these cookies in compliance with regulations. – Yasmeen, Privacy Engineer @ Termly

Cookie Scanner

Discover Cookies on Your Website

Our online scanner will first search every page of your site for cookies, automatically categorize them, and compile a list of each cookie and its details for you to review. We will automatically find and categorizes your cookies into six types of cookies:

  • Essential
  • Performance and Functionality
  • Analytics and Customization
  • Advertising
  • Social Networking
  • Unclassified
Auto Blocker

Automatically Block Cookies

Blocking cookies is an essential part of complying with cookie legislation like the GDPR. You are required to block cookies until your website visitors give you consent. Our tool will automatically block third-party cookies and scripts for you until a user has consented to them.

Cookie Compliance Report
Privacy Policy

Your website may be using cookies that you don’t even know about. We help you discover, categorize, and block these cookies in compliance with regulations. – Yasmeen, Privacy Engineer @ Termly

Cookie Policy Generator

Receive a Customized Cookie Policy

Our cookie policy generator will customize your policy with the results of your website scan. Simply review the classifications, auto block any cookies you want, and make any additional edits as necessary.

Watch: How to Categorize Your Cookies

Embed Icon

Multiple Ways to Embed Your Cookie Policy

You will be able to add your new cookie policy to your website using one of three embed options:

  • HTML
  • Code snippet
  • URL

We will also add a link to your cookie policy in your customizable user consent banner, which we automatically generate.

Embed cookie policy
Update Icon

Automatic Cookie Policy Updates

Our legal team reviews and updates our generators on a regular basis. When cookie regulations change or new laws are enacted, we evaluate and update our generators to make sure you stay compliant. Your cookie policy can be automatically updated to reflect these changes.

Terms and Conditions Generator

Compliance With Cookie Legislation

Our cookie policy generator helps you comply with cookie regulations worldwide, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ePrivacy Directive (EU Cookie Law), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Automatic Cookie Policy Updates

User Consent Management

Our cookie policy generator comes with access to our comprehensive cookie consent manager, which allows you to create a customized cookie use and preference banner, implement cookie blocking, manage user consent, embed a preference center, and more.

Watch: How to Customize Your Consent Banner

Icon Fingerprint

DSARs and “Do Not Sell” links

Being fully compliant requires you to have more than just a cookie policy. You will also need to give your visitors a way to request info about their personal data, submit a data deletion request, and more.

We provide you with an embeddable Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) form and a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link that you can add to your website with ease.

User Consent Management
Generate a Cookie Policy Now

Enter Your Website URL

In order to help you create a cookie policy that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Learn About Cookie Policies

What is a cookie policy?

Cookies are small data files that are placed on a user’s computer or mobile device when they visit a website. They can be used to track user behavior, remember user preferences or settings, improve user experience, and more.

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What is a cookie policy?

Cookies are small data files that are placed on a user’s computer or mobile device when they visit a website. They can be used to track user behavior, remember user preferences or settings, improve user experience, and more.

Most websites use cookies in some form, such as remembering login information, enhancing site performance, or enabling third-party features.

cookie policy informs your users about what cookies you use, how and why you use cookies, and how users can control their cookie preferences. Cookie policies are legal documents containing the information you must publish under the GDPRCCPAePrivacy Directive (also known as the EU cookie law), and other cookie regulations.

Creating a cookie policy is just one step in complying with privacy laws. You also need to create a cookie notification messagegenerate a privacy policy, and more.

Do I need a cookie policy on my website?

If you use cookies and are subject to any laws that regulate cookie use (e.g., the EU cookie law, CCPA, GDPR, etc.), you must publish information about the cookies you use. This information needs to be present in a cookie policy or privacy policy.

Learn more

Do I need a cookie policy on my website?

If you use cookies and are subject to any laws that regulate cookie use (e.g., the EU cookie law, CCPA, GDPR, etc.), you must publish information about the cookies you use. This information needs to be present in a cookie policy or privacy policy.

These laws generally apply to any website or app that collects information from the residents of that country or state. That means you may be required to comply with these cookie regulations regardless of your location.

The ePrivacy Directive and other laws apply to cookies and any type of technology that stores and processes user information.

What will my cookie policy include?

Your cookie policy will include sections on:

  • What cookies are
  • Why you use cookies
  • How your users can control cookies

Learn more

What will my cookie policy include?

Your cookie policy will include sections on:

  • What cookies are
  • Why you use cookies
  • How your users can control cookies
  • A detailed list of all the cookies you use sorted by category
  • Information on any other tracking technologies you use

After you’ve used our cookie scanner tool and reviewed the classifications and details, we will automatically generate the cookie policy for you.

The policy will include the necessary text for explaining how and why you use cookies and will be customized for your website.

Your website scan results will be compiled into a list of cookies, which will include the cookie category, the purpose of each cookie, the provider, and a link to the provider’s privacy policy for any third-party cookies.

Where do I display my cookie policy?

You should display your cookie policy where your users can easily access it. If you use our consent banner, your policy will automatically be added as a link. You can also add a cookie preference center link to your banner.

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Where do I display my cookie policy?

You should display your cookie policy your users can easily access it. If you use our consent banner, your policy will automatically be added as a link.

You can also add a cookie preference center link to your banner. A preference center is essential under several privacy laws as it allows your site visitors to change their cookie preferences at any time.

Cookie policies are also commonly displayed in a website’s footer or wherever you display your other legal agreements, such as your privacy policy or terms of use.

Your privacy policy should also contain some information about your site’s cookie use, as cookies can be considered personal information. You can either add the necessary cookie information to the privacy policy itself or provide a summary of cookie information in the privacy policy alongside a link to your cookie policy for the details.


Most websites will need to comply with certain cookie regulations. A comprehensive and easily accessible cookie policy keeps you out of trouble. – Leila, Privacy Compliance Specialist @ Termly

Generate a Cookie Policy Now

Enter Your Website URL

In order to help you create a cookie policy that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Cookie Policy Generator FAQ

We answer the most frequently asked questions we get about cookie policies and why our cookie policy generator is the best.

Termly Bolt
Generate a Free Website Cookie Policy
Generate Cookie Policy

Enter Your Website URL

In order to help you create a cookie policy that is compliant with worldwide legislation, we must first scan your website for cookies.

Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly

Your cookie policy will comply with the latest regulations thanks to the collaboration between our engineers and expert legal department. – Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly

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