Intellectual Property Disclaimer

KJ Dearie

by KJ Dearie

May 27, 2021

Build My Free Disclaimer

An intellectual property disclaimer helps protect your creative property. Whether you have a website of original content, or a custom logo, an intellectual property disclaimer can protect you and your creations.

Read on to find out more about how you can use an intellectual property disclaimer, and what intellectual property disclaimer examples look like.

Table of Contents
  1. What Is an Intellectual Property Disclaimer Statement?
  2. Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer Template
  3. Intellectual Property Disclaimer Examples
  4. Protect Your Work with an Intellectual Property Disclaimer

What Is an Intellectual Property Disclaimer Statement?

Intellectual property is anything that’s developed by the human mind. Some examples include:

  • Artwork
  • Website designs
  • Images
  • Videos

Intellectual property, or IP, is often protected by trademarks, patents, or copyrights.

Depending on the type of IP, the creator might be comfortable giving away the rights to their creation — or choose to protect them. This is where an intellectual property disclaimer statement comes in.

An intellectual property disclaimer clarifies the terms by which the creator will or will not release their work to another entity or person.

Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer Template

While there are no strict legal requirements for the contents of your intellectual property disclaimer, there are elements that you should consider including.

Follow this intellectual property disclaimer template for an idea of what essential information you might use in your statement:

  • Date: If you’re creating a standalone document, include the date on which the document was created.
  • Parties: In your document, denote who owns the rights to your IP.
  • Business description: If applicable, include a clear description of your business.
  • IP description: Always include a specific description of your intellectual property.
  • Terms: When it applies, write out the terms of your ownership over the IP and how the IP can or cannot be used.
  • Provisions: You might choose to include a provision to retain or disclaim all interest in, title, and rights to your IP. Other provisions include copyright provisions or the right to amend the disclaimer in writing in the future.
  • Payment terms: It should be clear in your disclaimer how the artist will be paid — or that the artist will not receive payments or royalties for the IP.
  • Signatures: When applicable, make sure all parties sign the disclaimer — use an electronic signature for convenience.

Following this template is a great place to start when drafting your intellectual property disclaimer, no matter what kind you need to create.

It’s also helpful to read through samples of similar disclaimers to gain a deeper understanding of the way creators like you are using them.

Where Should I Put an Intellectual Property Disclaimer?

Where you put your disclaimer depends on what intellectual property and purpose you need it for.

For instance, many companies include their IP disclaimers directly in their branded email disclaimers and on a homepage of their website to announce their ownership of their website’s intellectual property.

Intellectual Property Disclaimer Examples

Check our examples of intellectual property disclaimers around the web to get an idea of how other websites and creators are protecting their works.

Website Intellectual Property Disclaimer

With so much original content online, placing an intellectual property disclaimer statement on a website has become one of the most common ways to use an IP disclaimer.

In this example, Fenty Beauty includes its intellectual property disclaimer on its Terms of Use page.

Fenty Beauty's intellectual property disclaimer

This intellectual property disclaimer clearly states that all content on the site is “for your information and personal use only.”

This statement bars visitors from using, copying, reproducing, distributing, selling, licensing, or exploiting the property “for any other uses whatsoever.” Fenty’s statement is effective in encompassing all of its content and clearly stating the scope of its ownership.

Graphic Design Intellectual Property Disclaimer

For graphic design artists and brands alike, a graphic design intellectual property disclaimer is a must-have. This type of disclaimer states your ownership over easily reproducible — and often misused — designs, like logos.

On NIKE’s Terms of Use page, it clearly lays out its definition of content and how it can be used. Notice that NIKE specifies within its statement that “the NIKE name and the Swoosh design” in particular are owned by the company.

NIKE's Terms of Use page

Clearly noting and defining your most prominent intellectual property strengthens your protection of it.

Intellectual Property Email Disclaimer

Brands or creators who run email campaigns should consider including an intellectual property email disclaimer in their messaging.

In its marketing emails, Abercrombie & Fitch includes a brief intellectual property disclaimer. This statement operates similar to the way it would work on a website — protecting the content from misuse.

Abercrombie & Fitch intellectual property disclaimer

Protect Your Work with an Intellectual Property Disclaimer

Ultimately, including a disclaimer protecting your intellectual property on any online platform is a great way to preserve the future of your art or brand. Focus on clarity and inclusivity — and use a template that aligns with your needs.

Generate a Free Customized Disclaimer Using Termly

Here’s how you can use Termly’s generator to create a custom and legally compliant disclaimer for your needs.

Step 1: Go to Termly’s disclaimer generator.

Step 2: Answer a few simple prompts and questions, and go through all of the steps until you reach “Final Details.”


Step 3: Once you’ve filled in everything and you are satisfied with the preview, click “Publish.” You will then be prompted to create an account on Termly so you can save and edit your legal disclaimer further.

Download and customize a disclaimer template or use our free disclaimer generator to include your intellectual property disclosure on a dedicated disclaimer page.

KJ Dearie
More about the author

Written by KJ Dearie

KJ Dearie is a product specialist and privacy consultant for Termly, where she advises small business owners on how to comply with the latest data privacy laws and trends. She's been published in Business News Daily, Omnisend, ITProToday, MarTechExec, and more. More about the author

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